HENGE isn’t just a band—it’s a cosmic movement. Blending hypnotic tribal rhythms, galactic synth textures, and extraterrestrial theatrics, these interstellar travelers have made it their mission to bring Earthlings together through the unifying power of Cosmic Dross. In this exclusive transmission, we speak with Zpor, their enigmatic front-being, about sonic experimentation, celestial inspiration, and why humanity’s fate may just depend on dancing into the unknown.

You describe your music as “Cosmic Dross.” This is an unfamiliar genre to most Earthlings. How would you explain it in terms that even a human could understand?

Cosmic Dross is a sonic practice that originates on my home planet of Agricular in Cosmos Redshift 7. It is also a living artform which has undergone various mutations over the millennia. Imagine the primordial rhythms of your ancestors, the electric pulsations of the universe itself, and the untamed chaos of an asteroid belt. It is music unshackled by genre, a vibrational key to unlocking intergalactic unity and joyous transcendence! As part of our mission, we have been diligently studying the effects of Cosmic Dross on the human nervous system.

It’s clear that you are not from this planet. How has your mission to integrate into Earth’s musical ecosystem been going? Have humans been receptive to your transmissions?

Earthlings are curious creatures, susceptible to rhythm, melody, and the grand mysteries of the cosmos! Throughout our time on this planet, our music has continued to mutate and adapt for human consumption based on our experimental data. Many have welcomed our transmissions with open minds and dancing limbs, though some remain wary of interstellar wisdom. But fear not! The process of planetary enlightenment is an ongoing one, and we shall continue to beam our frequencies until all beings hear the call to cosmic harmony!

How did you all meet, and at what point did you realize that HENGE was going to be a full-fledged intergalactic mission?

I first encountered our amphibious drummer Nom on his home planet of Xylanthia in the Sirius Star System. We were instantly bound by our mutual love of infectious, danceable rhythms. Later, we rescued Brother Goo from the fiery throes of his home planet of Venus, a world ravaged by a self-inflicted climate apocalypse. He found solace in soothing bass frequencies, which have since been integrated in our cosmic dross. It was when we made contact with a human called Grok through the astral realm that our mission became clear. He spoke of Earth’s great crisis, of division, despair, and an urgent need for unity and joy. It was then that we realized—we must wield the healing power of Cosmic Dross to guide humanity toward a brighter, more harmonious future. Thus, HENGE was forged, not just as a band, but as an intergalactic movement for peace, love, and transcendence!

Your latest track, Slingshot/Hypersleep, radiates a hypnotic, otherworldly energy. Is this an ancient cosmic melody you’ve brought from your travels, or was it created here on Earth—perhaps influenced by an asteroid storm?

Ah, an insightful inquiry! This track explores the duality of existence—the exhilaration of embarking on a grand adventure through the cosmos, contrasted with the deep serenity of the dream world. The Slingshot propels one forward, a surge of energy coursing through the stars, while Hypersleep carries the listener into the vast wonders of unconscious exploration, where reality bends, and infinite possibilities unfold. Some fragments were retrieved from the archives of the Andromedan dream-weavers, while others emerged from the fevered vision-trances induced by Earth’s own swirling energies. A true hybrid of cosmic and terrestrial resonance.

Your music seamlessly blends tribal rhythms, heavy synth layers, and interdimensional frequencies. Are there any particular instruments or alien sonic technologies you’ve recently fallen in love with?

The universe is abundant with sonic marvels! We have recently harnessed the oscillations of the Photon Harp, an instrument that plucks the very strands of subspace! Additionally, Earth’s own theremin continues to be a source of fascination – its eerie wails not unlike the calls of the nebula-dwellers of Proxima Centauri. And of course, we are ever refining our interstellar synthesizers to translate the music of quasars into auditory ecstasy!

HENGE live shows are not just concerts – they are full-scale intergalactic rituals. How do you design the visual and theatrical elements to ensure maximum transcendence for Earthlings?

Every performance is a sacred rite. We craft our visual and theatrical elements with meticulous care – each element is calibrated to synchronize with the human mind, allowing the participants to be amused and uplifted in equal measures. We are constantly tweaking our sonic frequencies based on our experimental studies on the physiological and psychological effects of exposure to cosmic dross on human subjects. 

What’s the most bizarre or unexpected thing that has ever occurred during a HENGE transmission (concert)—either from the audiences or within your own crew?

Once, in the heart of a performance, an Earthling achieved such a state of euphoria that they claimed to have telepathically contacted an ancient cosmic whale drifting through the void! Whether hallucination or truth, who can say? 

Are there any obscure musicians or artists—either from Earth’s past or another galaxy—that you think more humans should discover because they’ve influenced your sound?

Indeed! Your Sun Ra was a prophet, a traveller beyond time who glimpsed the cosmic truths! The percussive wisdom of your African and Indigenous shamans carries echoes of the universal heartbeat. We are also very fond of the human Frank Zappa and more recently the cosmic wizard Paddy Steer.

If you could send one HENGE song deep into space to be discovered by an alien civilization, which one would it be and why?

„Demilitarise”—without question! A rallying cry for peace across the stars, a declaration that all war must end! It is our most urgent message to all sentient beings: lay down your weapons, embrace knowledge, and dance toward unity and the exploration of space.

Your music carries a message for humanity. If there was one fundamental lesson or philosophy you hope Earthlings take away from HENGE, what would it be?

That you are not alone. That the divisions you perceive are illusions. That love, curiosity, and the pursuit of understanding are the true guiding forces of existence. The universe is vast, and you are but a small yet beautiful part of its endless song. Sing, dance, and cherish your world before it is too late!

Is there a question you’ve always wanted to be asked in an Earth interview but never have? And, of course, what is the answer?

No one has ever asked, „Zpor, what is the best snack in the galaxy?” And the answer, my dear Earthling, is…..your humble „crisp”! A marvel of texture and taste, existing in countless variations across space. But beware—some species consider sharing crisps to be a legally binding declaration of interstellar alliance!

Finally, what intergalactic adventures lie ahead for HENGE in 2025? Should humanity prepare for new transmissions?

Indeed, 2025 shall be a year of great adventures in which we will travel far and wide to spread our message. Throughout February and early March we will be travelling to various countries in the EU such as Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Hungary, Czechia, France and Spain to share the music from our new album ‘Journey to Voltus B’. We will then continue our mission in the UK. 

Prepare to be launched into a multi-dimensional soundscape when HENGE lands at A38 Hajó on February 22 as part of Noir Voyage – Black Ship Sessions. A night of intergalactic harmony, pulsating frequencies, and pure transcendence awaits. Festival passes and day tickets available—secure your boarding pass before lift-off!