„The cats are alright! Or turn to smoke…”

„The cats are alright! Or turn to smoke…”
„It is so much easier for those in power to destroy the world than to build a better one.”
Rolling post-punk energies, pulsating madness and liberating hardness.
Martin Kohlstedt, the sensitive, neoclassicist German pianist, composer, musician will came back to the stage of A38 with a brand new, immersive and captivating journey.
„We love the freedom and attentiveness in jazz and the sense of vibe and creation of ambience in electronic music…”
Indulásuk után rövid idővel már a Hajó színpadán álltak, forgott itt velük koncertlemez felvétel, koncertvideó, interjú és most az A38-on búcsúznak a közönségtől egy dupla lemezbemutatóval.