Friss albumával tér vissza a Hidden Orchestra a Hajóra
Joe Acheson multiinstrumentalista, zeneszerző és producer szólóprojektje hat év után, november 29-én érkezik az A38-ra az amibent/trip-hop duó Arms and Sleepers kíséretében. JEGYVÁSÁRLÁSHidden Orchestra (UK), Arms and Sleepers| 2023. november 29. | A38 Hajó Joe szinte...
Ahoy! (DOLCH)
„The cats are alright! Or turn to smoke…”

Algiers | ,,A38 is super special. We still talk about our time there.”
„It is so much easier for those in power to destroy the world than to build a better one.”

Odonis Odonis || „Doing this collab EP was great to have lots of different creative processes with each artist.”
Rolling post-punk energies, pulsating madness and liberating hardness.