Oldal kiválasztása

Foxygen | 21st Century Ambassadors

There are bands that prefer the 20+ line-up such as The Polyphonic Spree, and there are the ones that feel sufficient enough with only two members. You have to argue less, there are fewer creative differences, you don’t have to divide the salary that much – lots of...

Hatebreed | Egészen a Duna aljáig

Tíz év után ismét az A38 Hajó fedélzetére tér vissza Jamey Jasta zenekara, a connecticuti Hatebreed! Az ezredforduló egyik legmeghatározóbb metalos hardcore erőműve az utóbbi években többször is visszatérhetett Magyarországra, ám az aktuális nyári turnéjukat egy...

Ryley Walker | It’s great in Budapest

Ryley Walker is the reincarnation of the true American guitar player. That’s as much a testament to his roving, rambling ways, or the fact that his Guild D-35 guitar has endured a few stints in the pawnshop. Last year, he showed us what he is capable of as a solo...