Oldal kiválasztása
Ahoy! Meskerem Mees

Ahoy! Meskerem Mees

Meskerem Mees singer songwriter emerged from the Belgian music scene in 2020 with her debut single 'Joe'. The freely wandering, soul catching wibes of her songs immediately resonated with the audience bringing her more and more success. Next she's coming to the Ship...

We thought we’d entered a James Bond movie | Movits!

We thought we’d entered a James Bond movie | Movits!

Swedish swing/jazz/hiphop trio Movits! released their latest album Halleluja last year and they are coming back to the A38 after their amazingly memorable performances here in 2012, 2016 and 2019. Vocalist Johan Jivin’ Rensfeldt, DJ/multiinstrumentalist Anders...

A soundtrack to covid | Jozef Van Wissem

A soundtrack to covid | Jozef Van Wissem

“Perhaps the best known lute artist of the western world” - this is what noted music website The Quietus wrote about Jozef Van Wissem, and it’s hard to argue with their statement. The life of this special, introverted Dutch artist has been connected to the lute for...

El Camino egy életen át | Saiid

El Camino egy életen át | Saiid

Az egykori Akkezdet Phiai egyik fele, Saiid a hazai hiphop-színtér egyik megkerülhetetlen figurája, aki most már jó ideje saját ösvényén halad. Erről az útról beszélgettünk, de szóba került egykori formációja, valamint alkotói kérdések és személyes dolgok is. ...

There is so much amazing Aussie music | Ocean Alley

There is so much amazing Aussie music | Ocean Alley

They blend psychedelic rock music with reggae and other influences, they have three albums under their belt and they’ve already finished the recordings of their fourth LP. They’re more and more popular in their native Australia, and they’re making a name in other...