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Tempers | ,,Writing songs is how I make sense of life, it’s a poetic force that resolves my experiences.”

Tempers invites listeners into a world where vulnerability meets artistry, crafting soundscapes that resonate deeply. In this interview, Jasmine Golestaneh share insights on translating emotions into sound, the poetic roots of their lyrics, and the power of visual storytelling in their music.
See them live on the Ship on the 22nd of November!

Palo Canto | ” Célunk egy olyan tér megteremtése, ahol a zene igazán élővé válhat, és ahol a saját belső igazságunkat, önazonosságunkat oszthatjuk meg másokkal.”

Első albumuk már átlépte az 1 millió streamet, első lemezbemutatójuk pedig teltházas lett. Olyan nemzetközi magazinok, mint a Mixmag, az Electronic Groove és a When We Dip is elismerően írt róluk, valamint a Spotify népszerű, Orgánica playlistjére is felkerültek. A november 21-én Nils Hoffmann supportjaként fellépő multikulturális elemekből építkező fúziós techno formációval, a Palo Cantoval beszélgettünk sikerük kulcsáról a koncert előtt.

Ahoy! Porcelain id | „I am actively working to cultivate a deep trust in myself as a creator”

As they prepare to take the stage at A38 on November 24, Porcelain id reflects on their evolving artistic journey, from the raw emotions of Bibi:1 to the intricate blend of sound and visual storytelling that defines their work. In this conversation, they delve into the complexities of performing deeply personal music live, the constant balancing act between authenticity and industry pressures, and how collaboration fuels their creative vision. Join us as Porcelain id shares insights on crafting genuine connections with audiences and seeking guidance for their craft in the black queer artist, activist community.


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Legutóbbi cikkek

Twentees | MINDEN IDŐK

Az egyik legtehetségesebb, legműködőképesebb fiatal hazai gitárpop zenekar a 2012-ben alakult négytagú hódmezővásárhelyi Twentees, mely február 20-án az A38 Hajó szervezésében az Akvárium Nagyhallban lép fel a holland Kensington előtt. “Az MTV-korszak gyermekei: a...

Mélanie Pain | Experimental and theatrical

Mélanie Pain is best known as the lead singer of the French band Nouvelle Vague, who seduce millions around the world with their breathy renditions of 80s pop songs. But the multiinstrumentalist singer-songwriter also has her own solo career, which functions as an...

Touché Amoré | As honest as possible

Los Angeles artful indie post-hardcore band Touché Amoré return to Budapest on February 5 to present the biggest, boldest, and most artistic album of their career to their local followers. Stage Four is harrowing and unrelenting, a glowing testament to their...

A38 Rocks

On A38 Ship, amps can sound so loud they shake the ship – and during its nearly one and a half decade long history, it has happened a number of times, and history will repeat itself in February. The upcoming concerts of bands like Touché Amoré, The Dillinger Escape...